Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I can tell you how to lose 2 inches over night

How much will you pay me to reveal my secret?

Just Kidding it not a secret it's well know in the military, only I didn't really think it would work until this morning I was proven wrong. Paul had a weigh-in this morning in preparing to go before the board in a few weeks. He was slightly over well okay a bunch over, but they wanted to see some improvement quick so he put it to the test.

Last night he put Preparation H all over his belly and love handles and wrapped it all up tight with plastic wrap. This morning wa la he really lost 2 inches.

Okay so it probably doesn't have lasting affects and if you have more than 2 inches to get rid of it's not going to work. So he is working out several times a day and eating better to permanently drop the weight. I was however impressed that it worked for a quick temporary fix to keep the big guys off his back.

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